Severe hypertrophic cardiomyopathy with left ventricular outflow tract obstruction identified with preprocedural point-of-care ultrasound before emergent tracheal repairSara Biladeau, Ryan Grell
28 February 2023
Addition of nebulised lidocaine to prevent refractory bronchospasms in a patient receiving serial bronchoscopiesRyan Grell
21 February 2023
Anaesthetic challenges in a patient with acromegaly and multinodular goitre undergoing endoscopic pituitary surgeryJabraan Jamil, Wan Mohd Nazarudin Wan Hassan, Ab Rahman Ghani, Tat Boon Yeap
16 February 2023
Congenital subglottic cyst: a rare cause for sudden airway compromise in a newbornSamuel Peter Last, Heather Isabel Patterson, Neil Hauser, Shyan Vijayasekaran
9 February 2023
Perianaesthetic challenges in patients undergoing vagus nerve stimulation (VNS) placementTat Boon Yeap, Laila Ab Mukmin, Song Yee Ang, Ab Rahman Ghani
7 February 2023
Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis with a comprehensive approach to differential diagnosis of paediatric skull painRoss Fraleigh, Xing-Chang Wei, Weiming Yu, Paivi Maria Miettunen
4 January 2023
Hyperkalemic periodic paralysis with paramyotonia and the anaesthetic implicationsDavid Sender, Alexander Doyal
3 January 2023
Anaesthesiology perspective on a multidisciplinary approach to optimal perioperative management of a patient with giant peptic ulcer perforation caused by the physiological stress of a thyroid storm necessitating emergent laparotomySujani Wijeratne, Claudia Chong, Dinoo Suran Kirthinanda
30 December 2022
Extradigital glomus tumour of the thigh causing 8 years of undiagnosed debilitating painEmma Claire Avery, Haley Augustine, Shachar Sade, Jana Dengler
19 December 2022
Unusual presentation of carpal tunnel syndrome due to Mycobacterium marinum infection of handMithun Pai G, Anil K Bhat, Ashwath M Acharya, Shreya Pulli Reddy
19 December 2022