Nontubercular mycobacterial coughAditya Samitinjay, Zulfikar Ali, Rakesh Biswas
7 March 2022
Promoting independent living and preventing lonely death in an older adult: Soma Idobata-Nagaya after the 2011 Fukushima disasterNaomi Ito, Yuri Kinoshita, Tomohiro Morita, Masaharu Tsubokura
19 February 2022
Cystic echinococcosis in a Moroccan boy: a silent and neglected disease among refugee and migrant childrenÁlvaro Vázquez-Pérez, Juan Luis Santos-Pérez
2 February 2022
Invaluable role of histopathology in the diagnosis of cutaneous leiomyosarcoma in insulin injection site reactionKathleen Renee Lundeberg, Laura J Vidis, Jennifer Martin, Julie Randolph-Habecker
19 November 2021
War journalism: an occupational exposureNicola Magnavita, Maria Teresa Congedo, Reparata Rosa Di Prinzio, Angela Iuliano
14 October 2021
Roles of subdistrict health office personnel and village health volunteers in Thailand during the COVID-19 pandemicTares Krassanairawiwong, Chartchay Suvannit, Krit Pongpirul, Kriang Tungsanga
14 September 2021
Paradoxical immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome in neurotuberculosisSeema Pavaman Sindgikar, Bindu Narayanaswamy, Lobo Manuel Alexander, Ramkishore Kanavu
10 August 2021
Factors leading to neonatal mortality due to neonatal purpura fulminans through the lens of a child death reviewKirtan Rana, Atul Gupta, Aditya Sood, Madhu Gupta
24 June 2021
Digital delivery of non-pharmacological intervention programmes for people living with dementia during the COVID-19 pandemicZara Quail, Laura Bolton, Karina Massey
17 June 2021
People with amputations in rural Sierra Leone: the impact of 3D-printed prosthesesMelissa D van Gaalen, Merel van der Stelt, Jonathan H Vas Nunes, Lars Brouwers
14 June 2021