Intraosseous schwannoma of mandible: a rare entity as an incidental finding on an orthopantomogramRajeswari Ramesh, Pearlcid Siroraj, Thomson Mariadasan Dcruz, Mary Violet Jeyapriya
22 June 2022
Rare case of spindle cell haemangioma of oral cavityKiran Jot, Smita Manchanda, Ajoy Roychoudhury, Deepika Mishra
20 June 2022
Scurvy presenting primarily as gingival manifestation in a young child: a diagnostic dilemmaRashmi Chaluvaraj, Paul F Ashley, Susan Parekh
20 June 2022
Peritonsillar abscess due to temporomandibular joint septic arthritis: an uncommon cause of a common diseaseNeha Thakur, Sarita Negi, Jagdeep S Thakur, Ripu Daman Arora
6 June 2022
Multiple complex odontoma of the jaws in a non-syndromic patientVandana Sampath, Pearlcid Siroraj, Rajeswari Ramesh, Harikrishnan Thamizh Chelvan
6 June 2022
Gingival enlargement improvement following medication change from amlodipine to benidipine and periodontal therapyHidehiko Kamei, Maria Furui, Tatsuaki Matsubara, Koji Inagaki
19 May 2022
Dental management of a patient with systemic mastocytosisAlexander Richard Legge, Andrew Whyte, Simon Heywood
15 April 2022
Dental phenotype in an adolescent with osteogenesis imperfecta type XIIJoanna Yuet-ling Tung, Jeni Lai-in Ho, Ricky Wong, Siu-chung Fung
13 April 2022
Unilateral glossodynia as a harbinger of an occult cerebellopontine angle tumourChloé Gibeili, Arek Sulukdjian, Audrey Chanlon, Nathan Moreau
12 April 2022
Cone-beam CT as a diagnostic aid in evaluation of oroantral communicationPreethy Mary Donald, Vijayendranath Nayak
7 April 2022