Unusual cause of pericardial effusion: IgG4-related diseaseMiroslawa Maria Gorecka, Richard Armstrong, Caroline Daly
29 June 2019
Elusive diagnosis of lymphadenopathy in a young womanCristina Peña Arce, Oscar Vazquez-Gomez, Rafael García Carretero, Cristina Diego Hernandez
7 June 2019
Hemidysgeusia, phantosmia and respiratory arrest: a case of CLIPPERSPeter Baoviet Nguyen, David Prentice, Robert Brazel, Wai Kuen Leong
30 May 2019
Rare cause of bilateral foot gangrene: coexisting essential cryofibrogenaemia and cryoglobulinaemic vasculitisNabil Belfeki, Sarra Abroug, Alessio Strazzulla, Sylvain Diamantis
27 May 2019
Rapidly progressive global cerebral atrophy in the setting of anti-LGI1 encephalitisAnudeep Yelam, Elanagan Nagarajan, Pradeep C Bollu
24 May 2019
Limited auricular relapsing polychondritis in a child treated successfully with infliximabJubran Theeb Alqanatish, Basma Ali Alfarhan, Sara Mohammed Qubaiban
23 May 2019
Pfeifer-Weber-Christian disease and successful treatment with mycophenolate mofetil: a case reportSubash Somalanka, Ini Udo, Hari Nair, Shashidhar Baikunje
22 May 2019
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome presenting with bilateral optic disc swelling and leptomeningeal enhancementThanh-Thao Adriana Le, Sumu Simon, Jagjit Gilhotra, Pravin Hissaria
21 May 2019
Inflammatory flaccid myelitis in a patient with both anti-CRMP-5 IgG and CNS HIV escapeRajan P Arora, Andrew K Treister, Maile Y Karris, Ronald J Ellis
21 May 2019
Non-infectious aortic and mitral valve vegetations in a patient with eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitisKamalesh Karthikeyan, Sudarshan Balla, Martin A Alpert
14 May 2019