CYP3A4/P-glycoprotein inhibitors related colchicine toxicity mimicking septic shockJinjuta Ngeyvijit, Sopita Nuansuwan, Vorakamol Phoophiboon
9 October 2023
Neurological evolution of severe baclofen intoxication: from brain death mimic to recovered brain functionSebastian Berger, Tobias Kuster, Raoul Sutter, Urs Fisch
6 October 2023
OCP-driven hypertriglyceridaemia and recurrent acute pancreatitisSamriddha Thapa, Akhil Allakky, Anjani Turaga
5 October 2023
Catastrophic embolisation via a thrombus in the left ventricular outflow tract and ascending aortaDiana Adrião, Érico Costa, Marisa Silva, Isabel Jesus Pereira
3 August 2023
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis presenting as complete lung collapse with respiratory failureMuthuraman Palaniappan, Irfan Ismail Ayub, Santhosh Joseph, Dhanasekar Thangaswamy
24 July 2023
Congenital CMV associated with diaphragm dysfunction: a rare cause of tachypnoeaRebecca Carter, Maayan Yakir, Julie Ryu, Katherine Weiss
19 July 2023
Purpura fulminans in a hyposplenic patient arising from pneumococcal sinusitisZi Yi Tew, Daniel Johnson, Gerard Louis, Kaushik Bhowmick
17 July 2023
Valproate overdose leading to hyperammonaemic encephalopathyDeepak S Sharma, Sandeep Gupta, Priyanka Sharma
9 July 2023
Systemic capillary leak syndrome secondary to decompression sicknessAkshay Mathavan, Akash Mathavan, Kirk Jones, Ali Ataya
5 July 2023
Symptomatic aortic thrombosis in a preterm neonateBhavya Kukreja, Vishnu Dutta Agrawal, Amandeep Singh, Kaushaki Shankar
20 June 2023