Novel mutation causing Zellweger syndromeSasidharan Adiyapatham, Ambalakkuthan Murugesan
17 March 2023
Methaemalbumin: a diagnostic surrogate for methaemoglobinaemia and treatment with red cell exchange in a patient with thalassaemiaZofia Prus-Czarnecka, Anna Fuezery, Tom Noga, Vincent Issac Lau
7 March 2023
Addition of nebulised lidocaine to prevent refractory bronchospasms in a patient receiving serial bronchoscopiesRyan Grell
21 February 2023
Congenital dyserythropoietic anaemia type II in a teenager presenting with severe anaemiaChristopher Jude Pinto, Mohith H Narayanaswamy, Ameet Vasantrao Khatawkar, Jana Poornima
7 February 2023
Unusual case of propofol-related infusion syndrome complicating severe COVID-19 ARDSVedesh Kumar Babu, Pedro Rojas, Genesis Perez Del Nogal, Alejandra Garcia-Fernandez
7 February 2023
Angioneurotic oedema following red ant biteMallanagouda M Patil, Anju Thammanna, Santosh Byakod, Siddarameshwar S Kalyanshettar
12 January 2023
Extreme alkalaemia with mixed alkalosis due to suspected acute-on-chronic respiratory alkalosisBrian Nohomovich, Thales Gomes, Alana Pinheiro Alves, Alexandra Elizabeth Ortiz
6 January 2023
Listeria meningitis associated with tonsillar herniation in an immunocompetent school-aged childThao Luong Tuan Nguyen, Bibek Bista, Misti Guarnere Ellsworth, Paul Herbert Dahm
3 January 2023
Myocardial infarction after craniotomy for asymptomatic meningiomaKristen Michelle Westfall, Roger Navine Ramcharan, Harry Linne Anderson, III
29 December 2022
Nicorandil and ranolazine overdose managementAziza Rashid, Guilherme Movio, Gemma Claire Lee
23 December 2022